Excel: How to Create Simple & Dependent Drop-Down Lists

Using tables, named ranges, formulas, data validation, & table styles
by JD Sartain | tech journalist | PCWorld | Jun 25, 2018 8:48 pm

Drop-down lists in Microsoft Excel (and Word and Access) allow you to create a list of valid choices that you or others can select for a given field. This is especially useful for fields that require specific information; fields that have long or complex data that’s hard to spell; or fields where you want to control the responses.

Creating dependent drop-down lists (when combined with an INDIRECT function) is another benefit. This allows you to select a product category from the main menu drop-down list box (such as Beverages), then display all the related products from the submenu (dependent) drop-down list box (such as Apple Juice, Coffee, etc.).

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TAGS: Microsoft Excel, Office 2013, Office 2016, Office 365, drop-down lists, INDIRECT function, submenus, dependent drop-down lists, spreadsheet, database, Data Validation, workbook, Validation Criteria, Input Messages, Error Alerts, name your tables, Name Manager, My Table Has Headers, range names, Format As Table, choose a style, source box, formula =INDIRECT($D$2), Settings, Source Error, Work-around for two word items =INDIRECT(SUBSTITUTE(D2,” “,”"))

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